- Dec 10 Sun 2017 10:05
- Dec 10 Sun 2017 01:42
即席演說的竅門@i am emily
- I did learn some strategies and learn a new aspect of impromptu speech.
- The interaction and practice made it more effective.
- Now I know some methods to do impromptus.
- Of course it is effective. I learn a lot from this presentation.
- Yes, with the clear introduction 翻譯公司 outlining and the conclusion.. People would follow these steps, they will have achieved an impromptu.
- Every point is really clear.
- It's fun to learn how to do a better impromptu speech in this way.
- 6 points that we can apply in impromptu speech.
- The strategies are useful.
- I am not sure, because even though I didn't go on stage, I still felt nervous and thought very hard which strategy to use.
- Because I would start to think about the strategies before I talk.
- The points were clear and the strategies were easy to understand and perform.
- The point is clear. The speaker also ask the audience to repeat those points in the end.
- Useful strategy and easy to remember.
之所以會想約請Tiffany是因為她也是英文教員,且是北部國際演講協會(Toastmasters)某分會的帶領人,以她的學、經歷配景和實務經驗,絕對能帶給學生立異的教學體式格局 翻譯社不過,Tiffany仍謙善地暗示本身 翻譯不足,且保舉演講協會的另外一名成員Roger和她一路搭當。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯是以,學生很幸福可以一次聽到兩位資深演說員的分享~
- Dec 09 Sat 2017 17:19
蔡英文避嫌 家族浩鼎股票信託
- Dec 09 Sat 2017 08:55
- Dec 09 Sat 2017 00:31
翻白眼、白目、傻眼的英文怎麼說? 一次學會7 個有關眼睛的適用英文 ...
- Dec 08 Fri 2017 16:03
- Dec 08 Fri 2017 07:37
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分開索羅門前夕 蔡總統血拼手工藝品當禮物 保存失傳身手 台灣金援索國建手工藝品中間
- Dec 07 Thu 2017 14:49
國民黨:蔡英文絕不認識陳慶男 民眾不會相信
- Dec 07 Thu 2017 06:20